“Graduate of the Year” by Nicholas Kristof

Most of us complain constantly about school, and how we wish we didn’t have to go. It never really occurred to me that, for some people, school is their only hope and they are glad to attend. I’ve heard about how people from poor parts of the world are very driven to attend and graduate school. Until now, though, I never really understood what these people were willing to sacrifice to get an education. The idea of only having $3.50 for food a week, is pretty shocking. I’m sure that there will be more people who will have to sacrifice similar things, and even though its inspiring how determined they are to get an education, it saddens me to think of what ways they might be able to get money (prostitution, gambling or gangs are some).


The story of Tay Thi is inspiring, to say the least. Coming from a poor, unsupportive and uneducated family, Tay Thi managed to graduate high school without any help from them. More people should know and read and learn, about people with similar stories to Tay Thi; it might help give them a reality check. Just today, my brother was complaining about having to go to school. I think if more people knew that they shouldn’t take school for granted and that some people would be more than happy to take their place in a school… I think it might encourage some to actually do their best.

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